We will post additional details here regarding the application process and the number of seats available. Please also inform us of your interest by completing the adjacent web contact form.
Indian Citizens: Aliyance pays a monthly stipend of twelve thousand rupees. Interns from India are expected to find their own living accommodations (there are many nearby PGs) and to pay for their own travel to our R&D office in Pune.
Foreign Citizens: We pay a stipend of $1,500 for the entire internship. We also provide your flights to India and back to your home country, and we assist in preparation of your travel visa. During the internship we will place you at a nearby hotel (in shared accommodations with other foreign interns) and reimburse your Uber costs to/from the office.
During the recruitment periods we will notify short-listed applicants to apply formally, and how to send any other details which we we may need to review.
Interns are expected to prepare a comprehensive technical report of their activity and accomplishment during the internship.
After your final report is accepted you will receive a certificate of completion.